
Tender Coconut

Rs. 69.00
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Rs. 69.00

Relish the natural taste of TENDER COCONUT water drink and get benefitted from the high level of electrolyte content in it. This is one of the healthy drinks that are known for their dietary advantages and has an array of properties that makes it perfect for early morning intake. Here is why you should choose this juice for the beginning of your daylight.

  • Tender Coconut

  • Vitamin C, B1, B2 & B5
  • Sodium & Calcium
  • Potassium & Magnesium

1. Maintains kidney health
2. Increased energy level
3. Supports digestion
4. Reduces joint pain
5. Balances body weight
6. Aids metabolism
7. Lowers blood pressure

Fresh Tender Coconut drink is one of the best options that keeps your body hydrated and supplies a sufficient amount of liquid content to your body.